
U mad huh?

Mercy I


5 Years

08-11-2015, 10:58 AM

Mercy's head tilted to the side as he named his pack, something that she was not familiar with. Never before had she heard of this Fiori, but she didn't often learn about other packs that weren't a big deal. But when he said that he was an alpha there she couldn't help but let out a smooth chuckle. There was something about her that made her run into alpha's, it would seem. "Well big alpha man, what is your little pack all about, hmm?" she asked, dipping in a mock bow to the man. Oh yes, she was a very cheeky girl. But while she was here, there was no harm in gathering a little information on the packs around here, expand her knowledge of the land. She had been rather content with keeping all her attention on her own pack, but it never hurt to learn about the others around here. When he asked where she was from her grin grew wider, her tail raising slightly in her pride for her pack. "Behind you is Imperium, lead by Valentine. And yes, that is my pack." She was more than happy to brag about her home, it really was her pride and joy. She may not have the highest rank, but that didn't matter to her. In her mind, there was no pack that was better than her own.

The fact that he had been standing here looking over at the other side of the river made her pause. Did he used to live in a place that they claimed? She knew what that was like, but in her case she wished that it hadn't been claimed. Head tilted further, purple eyes studying the slightly shorter male. "Do you know a land that we have claimed? There have been a lot who have stopped at our borders because of the lands that we call home." She mused, remembering picking up the scents of many strangers who came to the borders and then left. And that family that Valentine had claimed, they had came from the same land that she was born in. And... her mother's scent. She may have turned back, but her scent lingered. Nostrils flared slightly at her inner frustration, but she tried to keep her attention on the orange beast before her.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.