
when the busy bee gathers



5 Years
Extra large
08-11-2015, 11:41 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2015, 11:42 AM by Evangeline.)

The brat went down flailing wildly, not even attempting to fight back. Vana's jaws struck with a startlingly jarring force - it was a lot different to fight in theory than in reality. She hadn't been expecting the sudden smack of tooth on flesh, or flesh on flesh as she crashed into the other girl. The taste of blood flooded her mouth. She hadn't struck where she'd meant to with the little bitch flailing around screaming, and for a moment she was frustrated by it. No, no, no, she had wanted to leave scars across the brat's whole face, not just one side of it, no! She wanted to leave the bitch an ugly mess.

Lillie's frantic high pitched squealing mad Vana flinch away with a snarl, letting go and backing away to put her paws over her ears to try to block out the awful, irritating screeches. "Shut up shut up shut UP!" she screamed back. God this Abaven brat was such a baby.

But as she pulled back to cover her ears she was able to actually see her accidental handiwork, and decided, smugly, vindictively, that she liked this better than her original plan. The vicious wounds trailed down over the girl's eye, and Vana wondered gleefully if she had actually managed to blind her. No skin off her shoulder if the brat ran into trees the rest of her life. Maybe now she'd know when to keep her stupid mouth shut.

The faint flash of white caught her attention, and she dragged her gaze from the flailing, screaming Lillianna to find a pale, tiny little pup staring at Lillie and crying. Evangeline froze, for a second a tiny worm of guilt wiggling around in her. Had the pup seen everything? That was a pretty violent thing for a little puppy to see. But Vana-logic squashed that guilt worm fast. She hadn't known the pup was there, so it wasn't her fault the little rodent got scared. What was a pup this young doing so close to a pack's lands anyway? Where the heck were her parents?

The answer to the second question was answered immediately when an adult female rushed on to the scene to nose over the pale little pup and then Lillie. For a second Vana thought it was Rhythm, being about the same color and with similar face markings, but no - this female had yellow eyes, and still stank of Abaven even more than stupid Lillie. Vana sat up, her jaw set in a stubborn scowl, fully prepared to defend herself against this other Abaven wolf. But the wolf didn't even look at her as she dragged Lillie off, and Vana deflated a little from her defiant stance. She wasn't even going to try to yell at Vana?

"She started it you know!" she shouted after the retreating grown up as she moved away with the brat and her pale little leach puppy. "I just finished it. Sulking now that the anger had faded away, she sat and watched with a scowl as the grown up dragged her off and stopped at a distance to let go. Instead of getting up and walking away with her rescuer though, the brat continued to roll and flail on the ground whining. Her scowl settled even more strongly on her face. Well, just because the red-coated bitch was... well, a bitch, was no reason to assume that this Rhythm-look-alike was too. Well, she was an Abaven wolf which wasn't exactly a plus in Vana's book anyway, but no one should have to deal with a whiny crybaby when their trying to take care of their own kid and to be completely honest she was hoping that if she was helpful the adult wouldn't tell Vana's daddy.

Following the path they'd taken until she was just within earshot but far enough away that it was clear she didn't really want anything to do with them but was trying anyway, scowl still firmly fixed, she glared at the writhing Lillie. "You don't have to carry her back if you wanna carry the baby." Where the heck did the baby come from anyway? Wasn't Abaven like... pretty far away? "You shouldn't have to carry her all the way there just cuz she's a..." she paused a moment to switch the word she was going to use. "... Mean person. And I did help make the mess. I can carry her to Abaven," she volunteered, pretty clearly grudgingly. Plus she was bigger even than the adult and would find it easier to carry someone Lillie's size. She wasn't at her full adult musculature yet, but neither was Lillie, so she could handle it. "Plus I'm a healer," she added belatedly, then scowled again at Lillie. She really hoped the adult turned her down because she did not want to help her after all the awful things she said.
