
In the twilight hour


08-11-2015, 04:30 PM
It was time for a stroll, let his mind wander to good things and just enjoy a peaceful spring night. So Spencer had set out, not really paying much attention to where his paws led him. The only thing he knew was that he was heading north east, into unknown territory. It didn't bother him too much, it wasn't like he was a fool and would wander into claimed lands, no, he was no pup. Head was held high, ears set so that he could hear almost 360 degrees around him for any signs of danger or other wolves, green eyes lightly trailing over his surroundings but still keep an eye out for anything that was trying to hide.

He came upon a lake surrounded by fireflies when a scent reached his nose. Paws came to a stop and he carefully looked around, trying to pinpoint where it was being blown from. A female, and she was in heat. Eyes narrowed as he began walking once more, though he wasn't around people much he was still able to keep himself collected, not being a monster who jumped on the first girl ready to reproduce. It was more of a protective concern for her well being, making sure somebody had not come to take advantage of her. "Hello?" Spencer called in a friendly tone, not wanting to frighten the female when he runs into her.