


04-08-2013, 06:52 PM
[Side Note: Fenrir was on the old site. Lu allowed me to bring him back without any cost.]

OOC Name: Shrapnel
How did you get here?: Ummmmmm. You should know by now o.o
Age: 17
PvP: Sem-Realistic

Character's Name: Fenrir
Age: 3
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: Extra Large
Appearance description: Fenrir is a beautiful and astounding creature. He stands at a powerful 38 inches like his father and weighs roughly 156 pounds during the seasons where prey is more abundant. The boy is thick with muscle and his thick fluffy fur makes him appear larger than he really is, even though it is far from needed. The man has thick stout legs and a proud chest as well as a thick neck. Everything about him screams out power, and in reality, you would have thought him a king at first glance.

Upon further speculation you'll immediately notice his pitch black fur in which he inherited from his mother Loki. From his father he also inherited a vibrant red stripe that travels from the top of his forehead all the way down to the tip of his tail where it stops. One red and one green eyes rests beautifully on his face contrasting against dark fur.

If one were to touch his fur they would feel something akin to satin. It's silky and smooth to the touch. Fenrir is very meticulous about his appearance and attempt to maintain as well groomed as possible. He isn't past getting bloody, but he likes to keep up appearances not only for himself, but for the sake of others. His fur is thick all around him and only shortens when the summer rolls around. He's more suited for colder weather, but can acclimate to anything.