
The Stick


08-11-2015, 05:23 PM
Juniper jumped when her father's voice was suddenly heard from behind, surprise crossing her features, body turning around to face the man. He asked what Phil had suggested they do, and he didn't look too happy. The girl was not too interested in getting in trouble for something she didn't do, yet, so she wanted to play it off as nothing. Who would want their father mad at them? "N-nothing daddy." She fully stood up and kicked the stick back with her leg, sitting back down and smiling up at the man.

Anything that might have seemed off with her to others went unnoticed by the girl, only seeing her actions as having fun. Any signs of possessiveness or slight sadistic and even controlling behavior being a leak to the disorder laying dormant for the time being.

"What're you doing up daddy?" Juniper asked sweetly, standing so that she could go up and rub against her father's foreleg and lick at his chest. "Will you go patrolling? Can I come?!" The pup immediately got excited over her own question, hopping around the man and bobbing her head from side to side. It could get boring being in the ship all day and only having her siblings to play with or talk to, so anything outside that was away from the place was exciting!