
Don't Make A Mistake


08-11-2015, 06:24 PM

Karpa's words came dismissively, and though Hypnos expected as such he felt a twinge of bitterness, perhaps even regret at them, he had spoken his truth. Hell, there was even some underlying threats in there. Especially in bringing up Katja. But the moment that Hypnos lost it was the moment that Kapra said that any children they had would automatically belong to Yfir. The ex-Olympian's hackles would raise, a snarl forming on his lips as he narrowed his eyes.

"No way in hell I'd let that happen!" Hypnos snapped. His sea green eyes were blazing as he subconsciously began to set his defenses.  His ears would be pinned to the skull, head aligned to his spine and tail tucked. Legs would be spread equally in a widened stance, weight distributed across them. Claws would bite into the soil, his stance stating that he was ready to go for a fight.

"No one in Yfir, not you, not Katja, no one will take my children into a place I do not want them!" Hypnos' voice was raised, an audible click of his jaws heard as he finished speaking. "...and if you think you can then just try it!" His heart was racing, eyes blazing with anger. No one would touch Mystic ever again... and no one would touch any children of his either.


Art by Tea