
Hey You, With The Face


08-11-2015, 06:43 PM

The young man knew very little about his packmates, other than the fact he was to go patrolling with a girl named Renhett. They both seemed to be fairly new, the other girl speaking in the meeting about a healing position. Well, what a surprise that was. A healer and a fighter.. how exactly was this to work? Einarr would shake his head, a bit disappointed with the outcome of things. Quite frankly he couldn't imagine working with the girl but he would make do with that. It wasn't like she was the worst possible person to go out on a patrol with. Hell, Einarr was sure that any wolf in this pack would do just fine.

But it did leave him curious about the rest of the members of the pack and what they were up to. What they were like. He would begin a silent patrol on his own, for now taking the time to get to know the pack lands. He would march on, a silent warrior of massive size, though one with a long way to go in his own eyes. He knew he was not the strongest, having been bested by the Rex was proof of that. Though, in all honesty, had he beaten the alpha he would have thought twice about joining this pack. You needed a strong leader to become strong yourself.

He would pause, scenting the air. Imperium scents were all about him. They were strangers, the lot of them. Einarr would breathe in the scents and come to stop, twitching his ears. Perhaps rather than patrol his time would be better spent getting to know his packmates. So, throwing up a howl, Einarr would call for whomever would answer.
