


08-11-2015, 09:19 PM
Nuuu she didn't wanna go! She liked it here where it was warm and she could cuddle up against her sisters! But...her big sister was getting too big and too fat! She was crushing her, and she didn't like it. As her larger sister started to move away, Nixie squirmed and practically started kicking her sibling out so she could have all the room. But she wouldn't get that either, and if she could claw at her mama's belly to tell her to leave her for just a little longer, she would but she couldn't. So with an inaudible squeak she too would be pushed out into the cold cruel word. Maybe not so cruel just yet, but what did she know?

She dropped out on the ground near her sibling, it was cold and the ground felt hard and stuff was sticking to her! She didn't like it at all not one bit! But then someone was licking them, and it didn't smell like mama but it smelled similar. She didn't know who it was, but he would be in her life later probably. When she felt warmth from her mothers tongue sliding over her, she opened her mouth and a high pitches squeal came out several times over as she searched for her mama's belly. The warm scent of milk was calling, and with her mothers help she soon found it and began to suckle. She lay curled up with her larger sibling, the warmth of her mom comforting and lulling her into an easy sleep.