
Don't Make A Mistake



10 Years
08-11-2015, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2015, 10:25 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Hypnos was, perhaps, the closest thing he had to a friend. Though he was not blood, he had grown peculiarly fond of the boy. He saw something in him, something that others had not -- a kind of strength that he was certain aligned with the values of Yfir, despite the fact that his beliefs were different from his own, he was certain his heart was in the right place.

Had he been wrong?

His lighthearted expression grew more serious as Hypnos shifted into a defensive stance. Instantly the boy brimmed with sudden anger, upset over what Kaprasius had said. A slight frown played on his lips as he addressed him.  "One moment you profess your loyalty to Yfir," he would explain, his eyes narrowing. There was something gleaming in his stare; it wasn't malice, but confusion and curiosity and a slow bit of mania, bubbling over like water might erupt from a broken dam. He had not thought Hypnos to be two-faced.  "And now you state your intent to defile the very rules that govern us?" He nearly scoffed as his voice grew louder.   "The very thought of you having children, with a girl who can hardly keep herself from harms way, without the protection of a pack is idiotic enough," he would retort, his words strangely collected.   "Yfir would protect them far more than you could alone. This rule is intended to protect said children, as well as to strengthen the group as a whole." Not only that, but in Yfir they would train and become formidable creatures.. but why were they even talking about children anyway? Did Hypnos actually want such a thing?

In reality, he was lucky that Kapra had mentioned it at all. He could already see how Katja might react, claiming these hypothetical children without a thought, but he cared for Hypnos in a way he very rarely did for others -- and he would find little pleasure in fighting him for his children..

"It is clear where your allegiances lie, níðing," he would say after a moment as he snorted, a hint of laughter touching his low tones. There was little hint of anger in his stance, though Hypnos seemed ready to fight. Personally, he was not in the mood. He could already feel the glares of the gods from above, shaming him for the false hope he'd had for this man. "If you change your mind, come and find me." He would linger for a moment longer, wondering if Hypnos might dare to attack him -- as hurt creatures in Alacritia seemed so prone to doing.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.