
Don't Make A Mistake


08-12-2015, 02:06 AM

Hypnos' anger would waver as Kapra spoke. He would feel his defenses ease, and he would heave a heavy sigh. He would shake his head, not looking the other man in the eye. "Kaprasíus, I'm sorry." The boy would mumble. He could feel tears stinging his eyes, his body quivering some. He would swallow hard, trying to steady his emotions, trying to steady himself. "I... I acted rashly... I..." The boy would shake his head, gathering himself, his words.

"Please do not get me wrong." His eyes would slide to Kapra's own. "I love Yfir, it is my home. You and Katja are the closest thing that I have to family now... and I care deeply for you both. I... I know in my heart I could never turn my back on you guys." Sincerity shown in his eyes.

"I just... I guess I am afraid..." Hypnos would confess. "...of my own children being marked as thrall because of who their mother is. Not given the chance to prove themselves and automatically assumed as weak, worthless, as I once was." His ears remained pinned against his skull. "It is... that... that I can't stand to even think about..." His voice was quieter now.


Art by Tea