
Never there



6 Years
08-12-2015, 02:39 AM
A gasp pulled from Voltage as Arcus got in his face, and he stared into those cold blue eyes. For a moment, a single moment, he was terrified. There was something about Arcus that just...put Voltage on edge, made him feel smaller. Arcus was the raging storm, the booming clouds that Voltage hid from, and there was no calming it. All you could do...was wait out the storm. He swallowed slightly and steeled himself, tried to feel stronger, like the elder brother should before Arcus suddenly slammed their shoulders together, pushing passed him. He blinked over wide eyes, wincing as he put too much pressure on his hurt ankle. When...suddenly. "Leaving?" He whispered in a broken voice, quickly spinning to look at Arcus. His brows pinched together, his ears plastered back as he stared at his younger brother. Confusion continued to wash through him as he took a step towards Arcus. "L-leaving?!" He said much louder. No, no! The elementas had to stay together! "You can't! You can't leave! Please, please, Arcus just talk to me. Just..listen!" He sobbed, his eyes stinging as he stared at his brother's retreating back, knowing there was nothing short of attacking his brother that would make him stop. "We are the universe, Arcus! We are the world! We will fall apart without you!" He shouted after him, taking shakey steps to try and get closer, but it hurt. It hurt physically and emotionally. "P-please...please don't...don't leave, brother!" He wasn't quite sure when the tears started, but he could feel them now, trailing slowly down his cheek as he watched Arcus walk away.

"Burn Baby Burn"