
Reach out and touch

Athena I


9 Years
08-12-2015, 12:16 PM

She didn't knew what kind of reaction she had had expected from Amalia at the proposition of having Leo be their surrogate father of sorts, but what Amalia told her had been so far out of what she could have thought. It had never occurred to her that Amalia would feel so strongly about actually giving birth. She had been so focused on helping Amalia avoid having to be intimate with someone else that it had never crossed her mind. She suddenly felt so guilty and selfish for unintentionally trying to keep Amalia from having that experience. While she would always believe Amalia was as much of a parent to their boys as she was, she understood what Amalia was saying about that connection.

"You don't sound selfish, Amalia. If you feel that strongly about it then you absolutely deserve to have that experience. You deserve everything in the world and more, darling." She gave Amalia a small smile and nosed at her wife's cheek. Right now all she wanted was to give Amalia everything she dreamed off and cheer her up. "I do have more family, but I haven't seen any of them in so long... My only other full brother is Genesis and he's been missing since before I gave Bevroren to Roman. I have a lot of half brothers, I just don't know where they are..." She frowned thoughtfully. "When I moved down here with you and the boys I had basically cut what few ties I had left with the Armada family... I could go looking for them. I'll go ask Verux if he knows where any of them are hanging out. I just want you to keep in mind that not all of my family are the nicest wolves around... I won't let anyone I don't trust near you, but I just want you to keep that in mind and know that it makes the hunt a little harder." She sighed softly and smiled a again as she kissed Amalia's nose. "I'm going to figure this out for you, my love. If, and only if, we search every inch of Alacritis and can't find any of my family that is willing to do this for us that I trust then we'll ask Leo. Is that okay with you?"

"Talk" "You" Think