
Playing the Victim

Bronze i


12 Years
04-08-2013, 08:37 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2013, 08:38 PM by Bronze i.)

When he was finished speaking, Loccian leaned forward to nuzzle his neck gently. His instinct was to flinch away from her touch, and briefly did a shiver crawl down his spine at the sudden contact between the two wolves. A sigh escaped his jowls, and he shifted to return the contact, leaning into her touch. Though he was unused to physical contact, he found himself entranced by this female's presence, her slight forwardness. He was aware his own body was exhilarated by the hormones that lingered in her scent, but he also knew he really was enjoying her company. How long it had been since a female had embraced him so openly, so willingly! The contact was short lived, but the feeling of her cheek against his fur lingered, leaving him painfully aware of how alone he had been for so long.

"It's not your fault," he said with another smile, the expression slightly forced, despite his desire to truly appear happy. "I've just begun to realize how deeply the loss of my children pains me. My son, Apollo, passed not long after he was born... the boy was but a year old." Eyes welled with frustration at the thought, though softened as he redirected his gaze toward her. Certainly she cannot be single, he thought silently to himself, his mind briefly trailing off. How could a female so utterly compassionate and beautiful be without a mate? "But I am without a mate," he added, as though wanting to reassure her, but also wanting her to know he would not be bringing another to Seracia with him.

"The last time I found myself with a pack was about two years ago. And I am certainly a warrior, though am not sure how much longer I'll be fit for that position. But I've been trained as one for as long as I can remember."