
Home At Last



7 Years

08-12-2015, 08:55 PM

His paws dragged under him, sheer exhaustion lingering in his very bones. He had left Wren with the little ones as soon as he had picked up the scent of his borders, the need to be there was too strong to wait any more. He was almost there, so close that he could almost taste it. He had to slow to a walk though, panting heavily. It had been hard for Bass to stop on the journey home, despite the nagging of his kids. There was no use in trying to stop him, he needed to get to Abaven a week ago. He missed his pack and family to his very core -- and while he did not regret his trip he knew that it was too long to be away from all of those that he cared so deeply for. Even though being an alpha was heavy on his shoulders at times, he found that he was missing it nearly as much as he missed his sisters and fellow Abaven members. Finally, finally his toes touched the scent markers, and he nearly collapsed with relief. The first wolf that he needed to see was Motif, he knew that she would have had her pups by now. Bass needed to see his dearest sister, and the newest addition to the family.

Before he even fully crossed the border he lifted his muzzle, calling out to Motif with all his heart. He needed to see her before he went to talk to Allen and see how everything was. Before he got back to being the boss he needed his sister. Letting out a soft whine after his song was done he trotted further into the pack lands, sunshine gaze scanning the plains in search for his chocolate sister. It concerned him slightly that it seemed rather quite around here, but he put that all into the back of his mind. That would come later.


Art by Raqinq