
A single act or many



5 Years
08-13-2015, 12:15 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the support of the sandy shoreline gone and her swimming skill the only thing stopping her from being drawn out to sea, Anais felt the pressure of the task at hand finally settle in. While she knew she was not alone in this adventure - Glacier managed to keep pace with her despite his longer legs and greater strength - she stubbornly did not want to rely too heavily on him for support or assistance. As her paws churned below the surface of the ocean, drawing her steadily further out and toward their island destination, she was mindful of him there at her side but continued to try and steer herself along, tried to fight the pull of the undercurrents that she could feel threatening to pull her off course, if only slightly. To some extent, they did influence her direction, but Glacier prevented anything more than an occasional bump between the two of them as he acted as a barrier, and despite her self-reliance she was still glad he was helping quietly.

Over the soft splashing of the water and the rush of the coastal winds, she heard his voice call out to her and question her progress. How was she doing? They were still on their chosen course, they were still together, and though the temperature of the water had dropped, she still felt comfortable. "Okay," Anais called back, once more bumping softly into his side before she adjusted her paddling to add a small space between them. "We're getting closer, right?" It looked that way to her, but getting a second opinion seemed the safest option, particularly given the slight dangers adherent with what they were attempting to do.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.