
Not My Favorite



5 Years
08-13-2015, 12:43 AM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

Though he did not say out loud that he was trying to help her out, Gale could only assume that was what he intended when he suddenly stopped moving, an attempt at keeping still that she was already certain would only be short lived. But that was her brother; he was full of energy to the point of practically bursting with it. Keeping him in one place was like...trying to tame the wind. It simply was not going to happen. And because she knew this, she accepted her brother's behavior at face value though she appreciated his attempt. Either way, she figured her fishing lesson was going to be cut short.

"I'm actually more certain you'd outrun it," she challenged back as he spoke of death, though internally the suggestion made her blanch. With the recent losses, the subject was still somewhat tender with her, and though she often smiled away her problems and pretended that life was merry, deep down it was not. But just as she always did, Gale pressed those distressing thoughts away, did not allow herself a moment to consider what life might be like without the energetic backbone to her family, and made herself instead focus on spending some much needed quality time with her elder sibling.

He was quick, that brother of hers. Before she could fully comprehend what he was doing, he carefully inched closer to the fish, and Gale felt her expression slacken into an open-mouthed look of confusion. "What are you doing?" she asked at a whisper, almost more to herself than to Voltage as he somehow managed to settle himself enough to get into a decent position close beside his targets. The grey and lavender wolf was just on the verge of exasperation - how long would it take for the fish to return if he completely scared them away? - when he jumped forward, and suddenly everything made sense.

Only she wished it had made sense perhaps half a minute sooner. As her brother leaped, the fish swam, and most of them were headed her way. Her grey-green eyes widened and she took one hesitant step back, her gaze jumping from one frantically swimming fish to the next. Jeez, what did she do?! There were so many of them, and they were all moving so fast! How did she even pick one to dive for? "What--" was all she managed to say before she noticed her window of opportunity finally reach her, and in a desperate dive she leaped forward and opened her jaws as she struck her face through the water...and came back up empty-handed, sputtering water as she shook her head.