
The Diamáchi


08-13-2015, 02:24 PM
#21 goes here

Name: Cinta Diamáchi

Age:  One year, Spring

Sex: Female

Appearance: A creature of beauty, Cinta is seemingly fragile. She looks as if any little blow would shatter her. She is constantly looking back over her shoulder, ears pinned. Cinta's frame is a hunter's, meant for reaching high speeds. Stealth is also another of her skills, her thin weight and medium height of 30 inches only helping her. Fighting, however, is far from her strong suit; Cinta would most likely end up flailing around and not even hitting her opponent at all. Her voice alone hinders her fragile appearance. Cinta speaks with self-confidence and quite clearly, not like one would expect from her.

Cinta's base coat is a vibrant golden brown, coating most of her with the expection of lighter markings. Cream makes a mask of sorts on her face, highlighting her gaze. At the halfway point of her ears, golden brown turns to light cream. Her scruff is cream as well, large speckles going down to her shoulders. These speckles are also found on her front legs, and near her tail. There are few near her stomach, barely enough to be recognized as the same markings that decorate her coat. On all four paws, a slender stripe of cream goes down the back of Cinta's legs before covering her paws. Most of her tail is cream as well, suddenly changing to that color.

Cinta's gaze is vibrant and purple, although darker than expected. It is the perfect addition to her fur, beautiful and flecked with lighter colors.

Personality: Despite her fragile looks, Cinta has a mouth that can be considered most inappropriate for a 'lady.' She is loud mouthed and strong in her opinions, a stubborn creature to the core. Not even her adopted family would be able to change her mind about most things. For one, they will not be able to convince her that her irrational fear, the fear that her family will come back for her, will never happen. If she is working on something, Cinta will not be taken away from her work for even a minute. She is a loyal beast as well, ready to defend her family at the drop of a hat.

Cinta is also slightly manipulative, using her charms to get anyone to do what she wants. Cinta is a huge flirt, using her charms on any wolf she even finds remotely interesting.

Fire and sickness scare Cinta, due to her past. The female will not talk about her past, even to her adopted family. She gets defensive or just leaves, leaving the subject untouched. It seems to be a sore one.

History: The first six months of her life were uninteresting. It was just Cinta and her brother, living in a small pack. Wolves came and went, but there was one that most did not trust. He had a deep bite in his shoulder, fur matted with blood and mud. Worse, he smelt faintly of sickness. When he first came, the alpha accepted him with open arms.

Days passed, and the new male's condition deterriated. He would not drink as much, not eating as much, either. Concerns grew, and worry made tempers grow short. One night, when it was storming, the rouge lunged at the nearest wolf and killed it. Foam dripped from his jaws, and he reeled of sickness. In the chaos, he saw Cinta, and was about to attack before her mother knew what was happening and lunged. Cinta watched as her family, excluding her brother, was ripped apart. The rouge male was eventually killed, but Cinta could not bring herself to stay. She left, with her brother, that night.

A flaming branch seperated her and her brother. Cinta, determined to find him somehow, found her adopted family instead.

Plans: Be a flirt and stubborn. Probably be a bad influence ;3