
The morning has come


08-13-2015, 04:21 PM

The moment the need for water left his beloved’s maw he would give a nod. But there was one duty, prior to getting it, that he would need to focus on. The little one at Nona’s side, covered by the birthing sac, needed to be cleaned. Allen set to the task with a will. He would clean the little one carefully, noticing that it was a little girl. He honestly couldn’t be happier as he moved the little one to his mate’s belly to drink. He had hardly finished that task before a second life was brought into the world.

Allen was doing his best to remain calm. To keep himself on track. He would clean the second pup, a son, and place him next to his sister before rushing out of the den for water. He’d bring it back, carefully dribbling it into his mate’s maw from a giant patch of moss. Then, that task done, he would set the moss down to get the bundle of herbs that Nona and he had prepared for this occasion. He’d place them by her head, giving a soft whine as he looked at the exhausted state his poor mate was in. Allen would lean in, licking her forehead as he tried to sit.

“Oh Nona...” He was shaking some, a bit of a nervous wreck now that their children were actually, physically, here.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah