
Hurt [open]


04-08-2013, 09:20 PM

The dame watched the interaction grow heated very quickly, her heart thudding in her rib cage like a war drum. This was bad. She was injured and while Cetotorah had filled out nicely he did not have the experience that his advisary more than likely possessed, she was older, with age came experience... usually. Cetotorah was horribly protective of her, shielding her from almost anything and everything that could possibly harm her. They were one he and her, formed from a bond that did not always require words.

But this dame, she did not come with a banner of friendship, something malicious gleamed in her eyes and Luana knew she was in danger and now Ceto was as well and their was little she could do to aide him. She snapped a coy response at him and Luana held her breath bristling, preparing herself for the reply, it came, short, quick and to the point. Her best friend offered the dame no quarter, lunging with teeth barred and claws extended. Luana stumbled back up to her feet, moving forward, intent on helping him any way she could.
