
I was looking for a breath of Life.



7 Years
Extra large

08-13-2015, 08:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2015, 08:12 PM by Lark.)
It always struck him as strange when someone new joined Abaven, or even when they asked about joining. How had they found out about this pack? How could they even be trusted? He did, however, understand that Abaven might be appealing to others and so it was not necessarily surprising, just.. weird and uncomfortable. His nose wrinkled as he regarded this woman, assessing her quietly. She seemed quite harmless, soft and gentle, reminding him a bit of his mother.

Her words brought a surge of pride to his chest, despite his wariness. "That is true," the boy would acknowledge, his head lifting as he took a slow breath. What more could he say? Their members had always been held to high standards and pushed to do their best. "I think you've made a good choice. There is no better place than Abaven." And while he didn't have the power to accept her, no; he could tell that she seemed serious about her proposal and he could only hope she would be driven enough to succeed here. Hopefully Allen would see her potential as he was certain his father would.

After examining her for another quiet moment, he would tip his head to the sky, calling for Allen once again. Once his call was finished, a strong and proud song, he would let his head lower again. "My name is Lark Destruction, by the way. My dad's the alpha here, but he put someone else in charge for now while he's gone."