
If I ruled the world



10 Years
Extra large
08-13-2015, 10:34 PM
He didn't honestly mind flattering Valentine; he wasn't used to meeting men who ruled packs, and he was both interested and impressed with the concept. The brute had little idea that his question might be seen as a dangerous one. What threat could he possible have against a pack? He was unfamiliar with the workings of politics - the very last thing on his mind was how he could trade information on Valentine to another pack, or how he might somehow be able to use his words against him in some manner. His grin was genuine as he listened to the other man's words, his eyes widening in slight wonder. "And these wolves, they all listen to you?" It was impressive. "I can hardly get my sisters to listen to me, half the time. " A hearty chuckle left his throat at the very thought of having any sort of authority over them.

Valentine seemed equally as impressed with the brief description he offered of his own experience. It seemed quite normal to him, and his eyes glimmered as he studied Valentine, his tail thumping against the ground behind him. "I suppose we were a bit communal," he agreed, expressing a slight bit of interest as he spoke. "We would travel and hunt together, but we were taught to be fiercely independent. There was no obligation of any sort to stay. I'm lucky enough that my two sisters missed me enough to come find me when I left the tribe." Valentine seemed to agree with his sentiment about not coddling those who needed help. "It would certainly make things easier," he agreed with another grin. "Though our differences make things vastly more interesting, I think."

table by argent/neffs