


04-08-2013, 10:49 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. Words.

The wind whispered the pallid queen?s return through the dank forest of Tortuga, carrying the musty aroma of blood along with her own scent. She had new wounds to lacerate her practically imperfection-free body, but the minor injuries she had received failed to keep her from her current and urgent mission that was now her main priority. Surely she had escaped the premises of the battlefield after admitting her own defeat and without witnessing the outcome of the brawl for Neo?s release from Tortuga, but within her, she already knew what would become of Nnoitra. He was old and his opponent an estimated two years of age, so being at her prime would be a huge advantage for the girl. Thus, it was only assumed that Neo would be forced back into that damned Valhalla pack ? but not without word from Morphine.

She twisted her way through the labyrinth of vegetation, her movements swift and her pawsteps very audible due to her disregard for everything else aside from the current situation. She was beyond livid with the way things turned out, not so much because of her discontent with admitting to her own loss, but with the fact that it had been a double-blow to Tortuga?s esteem and that the traitorous Cyanide would be allowed to keep her life in exchange for her service to Valhalla. The mere thought made Morphine?s upper lip curl in disgust; she did not believe Valhalla was heroic for changing the fate of the traitor, but rather how perfectly deceitful that they had been. They had no use for Cyanide?s talents in the assassination department ? no ? if anything, they only saved her to gain the pack another servant, not for the girl?s well-being. As much as she loathed that factor, she had to hand it to the brutish goliath she had battled for putting on quite the show for Cyanide; perhaps even the Machiavellian herself might have been persuaded with his seemingly heroic actions.

As she reached a clearing in the forest, she paused, allowing her claws to rake the earth beneath her as she went over the course of her future conversation within the safety of her own mind, attempting to decipher just how to win the young male over. He was young, so persuading him with her silver tongue would most definitely be a simple task, but she first needed to deteriorate any respect he still held for his former pack and family. Satisfied with her mental conversation and too intent on it to relieve Viridiana of her duties of watching over the pack, she tilted her skull back, allowing a curt howl to emanate from the ?O? created from her lips in summon to Neo. He would show ? she was certain of it. After all, he seemed so eager to please the pack that he had only just migrated into.

this thread is meant to be set right after the fight for neo & cyanide.