
Eye of the Storm



9 Years
08-14-2015, 01:06 AM
Arcus was huffing, his chest burning and his eyes wild. The moment his gaze settled on her he skidded, his paws digging into the earth to stop himself before he barreled right over her. He stood there for a moment, eyes wide and shining against the darkness that coated his skin, his chest heaving as he tried to breathe. Everything hurt, every muscle felt like fire as he stared at her, at the light that broke the storm. His brows pinched tightly as reason caught up with him, telling him that he was indeed tresspassing. But right now, he didn't care, not as she made it to him and burried into his fur. A broken sob fell from his lips as he ducked his head down to press against her shoulder, just letting himself feel this again. There was something about her that just cleared away most his sorrow, that calmed his anger, that answered all his doubt. For a moment he just stood there, hearing her voice, her concern. He must seem...wild, he knew that. His fur was a mess, the slate blue eyes shining with every emotional imaginable when he had them open. And he trembled, shaking as he rose a paw to wrap around her shoulders and pull her closer to him. Pest hovered above before deciding to leave them be and find Shaye's companion.

"I don't know.." He whispered, his voice tight as he breathed in, feeling his lungs hurt but no longer burn with need. His large body continued to tremble, but he felt the all consuming storm slowly leave, receed to the dark corners of his mind to wait for the light to set, before it would try again. It would happen, if he didn't get ahold of this..whatever this was. "I left, I can't...I don't know, Shaye.." He whispered, tones pitching as he clenched his eyes tighter, hoping to keep the tears in. He was angry, he was confused, he was hurt, so hurt. "I can't be there anymore.." He sniffed as he pulled his head back, looking away from her, to the side in hopes that she wouldn't see the water welling along the edges of his wild blue eyes. Yet he refused to drop his paw, he needed her too much.

"Burn Baby Burn"