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7 Years

08-14-2015, 02:39 PM

It really didn't take long for his sister to show herself, in fact she was moving towards him so fast that he almost missed her. He didn't even have time to notice the pink bundle in her jaws before she placed the young one down, tackling Bass. The air rushed out of his lungs at Motif clung to him, a gasp sounding before he felt the dampness of her tears. Ears pulled back slightly as he licked at her head, cheeks, face, anywhere he could reach. Letting out a whine he wrapped a forelimb around her awkwardly, hugging his dearest sister close to his chest. "Mo, I'm home. I'm home," he whispered, pale tail beating against the cool earth. Bass clung to Motif almost as much as she desperately hung from him, his face burying into her soft scruff. He drunk in her familiar scent, golden eyes closing as he held her close. He just wanted this moment to last forever, for him to be able to just sit here and hold him. But she moved to pull away too quick, and he held on for one more heartbeat before finally letting her go.

Pulling back, his pale coat wet with her tears, at last he noticed the little tiny bundle on the ground. He eyed her in amazement for so long, head tilting to the side. He hardly even heard her words, picking up just the little ones name. Vail. Shyly the girl said hello to him, and he leaned down and nuzzled her softly. "Hi there little Vail, you're so big already! If I came any later I bet you were going to be taller than me!" he said softly. He did not miss the pigmentation of her eyes, the slight redness that her pupils held. Blind. Somewhat, if not all. But she was the only one in her litter, just like Shaye. He looked to Motif, a huge smile on his lips. He didn't even care, she was too cute! "She's so pink!" Bass exclaimed, his tail wagging even faster behind him. How in the world did they end up with a girl so pink from two coats that were so dark? Love and adoration shone in his eyes already.


Art by Raqinq