
Home At Last

Motif I


4 Years
08-14-2015, 03:16 PM

He licked her face, and most likely tasted the salt of her tears. She held him close, insanely happy to see him again. Bass was a part of her, just as Rhythm was. They had all been a family of their own not so long ago, now they where split apart and for a long while Motif had been alone, with none of her first family to rest her head again. Rhythm had been in Imperium, Bass on his journey. Her chest swelled with happiness now that he had returned to her, them. She wanted to show off the family she had created in his absence, she wanted him to see her beautiful girl and fall as head over heels in love with her as Motif had done.

“i'm home, i'm home” he chanted in return to her own exuberant greeting and she chuckled softly, as at last she could look at him without crying. When she pulled away, she felt his own reluctance before he released her, but then he would notice the little creature she had left on the soft earth. She let the two get to know each other, beaming with pride in the background as Vail greeted him, and he greeted her in return. When he turned to look at her and exclaimed 'she's so pink!' she burst out laughing until tears ran down her cheeks again and she moved forward to draw them both into a hug, taking such care of her little one as she did. “Your home.” she said again, the relief and joy, and everything she felt, was crystal clear in her tone. “I have so much to tell you, Bass, do you have a moment?” she asked softly


Art by Raqinq