
≡ if i beg if i plead


04-09-2013, 12:14 AM

sunlight caressed her spine, her smooth waistline, lithe ribcage shadowed in a cadence of fleshly desire; its festering glow, highlighting every delicious trace of feminine curve and voluptous symmetry; lucrecia, slinking forward, her bodice drenched in reptilian grace, were twisting in a slow, and elegant motion. the dusk breeched, leaving the noon in a harsh breath of eerie silence; and in her imminent solitude, in her lingering and satiated wanderlust. she would contentedly gaze, dream into the deepest ravine, as her slender body mysteriously passed; manifesting, dancing from one shadow to another. she felt the chill of evening curl into her sanguine tresses; its roaming fingertips sliding, and raking, across the supple curves of her creamy flesh. caressing her hips, bathing her skin, in a milky veil of translucent obsidian. her eyes gleaming sweet and divine, misted and amorous by their decided, feminine cruelty. she, in her relentless apathy; her merciless stoicism and devious endeavour - would further masque the violent atonement that lay its possessive siege, within the breast of her pounding heart.

lucrecia possessed a deep, unrelenting hunger; an appetite so morbid and relishing; her soul, so hollow and horrifying - dead; ached to fill its endless, amaranthine void. to sugar her tongue in soiled blood, dried carcasses; to wrap her fangs around sin and erotic venues, where she may fantasize the sweetest of deaths (and just as pleasurable, its insubordination - beg and release). it drove her wild, made her gasping as such writhing hysteria, such madness, pushed her beyond the control of alluring sanity; full of need and bestial surrender. to worship and viciously possess the remnants of flesh, lust - not a mere craving, no; it were the essence of her soul. the very mortal fabrication that defined her existence as a woman, a lover and a sinner. fore your affections, your intimacies and their romantic expressions; they all belong to me.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.