
Eye of the Storm



7 Years

08-14-2015, 05:25 PM

He could tell that his words had cut Shaye deep, but she wasn't young and silly anymore. She was older now and should know the rules of the land she called home. Bass had had enough with wolves stepping over his rules as if he had set them as mere guidelines instead. His niece was no excuse, in fact he held her in higher regards because she was family. While his posture slacked a bit at seeing Shaye this way, otherwise he said nothing to the girl, instead waiting for her friend to speak. When he stepped forward between the two of them he growled at the man, lips curled off of his teeth. Who did he think he was, to step between him and his family. Hackles were at full height and he was very tempted to take a chunk out of him. "While you may try to place the blame on yourself, it is still as much Shaye's fault for not redirecting you to the border. I have no issue with visitors, but I have a major problem with them ignoring my boundaries," he paused though when the boy's last name. Elementas. Was that not the last name of the alpha of Dono... something? He couldn't quite put his paw on it, Allen had told him that he had gone to their pack borders to seek out an alliance, gaining neutral trust with the pack. But when he tested the air once more, there was far too much of the man's own scent, with a lingering pack smell clinging to his coat. Ah, so perhaps no longer a member? Regardless, there was still equal blame on the two wolves before him.

Bass let out a sigh, motioning for the man to step aside so that he could speak to his niece. "Shaye, you know I love you. But you really do need to listen to pack rules! I don't think your mother would be very happy if she heard about this. However," he said, breaking off to look at Arcus. "since you claim that this man is your friend I will let you off with a warning, okay? And maybe I won't tell Motif about this. But you need to help Wren look after Finch, okay? She's been really drawn back since we returned and refuses to leave the den. I want you to hunt for her and try to draw her out. And you will escort Arcus to the border. Sound fair?" He asked, a brow rising. Not being able to help it, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. Turning his body to face Arcus, he narrowed his eyes further. "Next time you cross my borders I will not be so forgiving, is that clear? If you wish to see Shaye you call her at the outskirts of the pack. IF you wish to come inside, it is me that you call for. Is everything understood here?" He very much felt like a father scolding children, and he cursed his soft spot for his family.