
Vitality Diamachi



1 Year
08-14-2015, 08:40 PM
Out-of-Character Name: arin
Age: 21

Character's Name: Vitality Diamachi
Character Age: 1 year
Season of Birth: spring
Adult Height: 34"
Appearance Description:

34" 87lbs

Vitality is born of earth and wood, or so it seems. Her body is colored with nothing but brown, whether dark or light depends on the placement of the smooth strands. Her nose is colored with the smooth deep wet sand color that accentuates her fur, spreading from black nose to her brow bone, where soft cream dots in circles. The same cream colors her eye lid before spreading down to her cheek fur in one wide smooth but natural swipe before spreading down to color only the tips of her chest fur and swiping along under her under belly. The cream also tips off her ears, and colors from ankle to hip, covering only the back most edge of her leg, splattering with dots along her hock and coloring just the tip of her tail. Her forepaws, as well, look like they were dipped in the cream, before splattering along her forelegs, near the shoulder but not quite going that high. The deep wet sand brown color the back of her neck, spreading down to her shoulders in natural whisps before finishing near the middle of her spine. The fronts of her thighs are painting in the same brown, before it colors her back paws, much like her fore paws.

She is a being of nature and grace, and it shows. Her body is that of a dancers, standing roughly around 34" inches but holding nearly the bare minimum weight. Her ribs are often seen, dotting along her belly under the earthen tones of her fur, but she is not malnourished. She has a dancer's body with the ability to be carved with a hunters knife, or even that of a fighter.

Skills: navigation/intellect

Proof of Purchases: here