
pick me up again (JUNIPER)


08-14-2015, 09:03 PM
So far she was liking the man, he didn't give her strange looks for talking to Phil and wasn't trying to take him away like some people did. So when he looked at the stick then to her, she immediately put on a large toothy grin, tail wagging rapidly, slapping against her hips. "Very nice to meet you! I didn't know we had more family!" She barked happily, swinging her little butt around. When he told her his name and even gave a shorter version that she could call him, she nodded her head head and looked to Phil. "Phil likes you, but he wants you to... rescue him?!" The girl swiped at the stick, sending it twirling off to the side with a huff. "Well then, no fun with the new family." She rose her chin and flicked her tail. She would smile at Aithusa however, taking a step forward. "How do you know my name Ai?" She asked curiously, unaware of him meeting with her father and them being shared. "You can call me Juni or June though, that's what the others call me sometimes." She grinned.