
Do you have what it takes? ; Healer Training



5 Years
08-14-2015, 09:04 PM

It seemed he wasn't the only healer within the pack, as he discovered once a younger woman had arrived for the training. Though she certainly wasn't part of the Elementas family, her thick scent of the pack suggested that she been within Donostrea for a while. Curious he grew; curiouser and curiouser. He was aware that his elder brothers' partners had joined the pack, but who else were they allowing acceptance? Was she a close relative or a former loner? That was something he would have to soon investigate, although for now, he exchanged a friendly nod with her before listening in to the session's teacher. Ah, so the Ferax would be their test subject for the lesson - what fun! The thought of prodding and nudging his brother cracked a small smile upon his once-blank expression, however, he remained tuned-in to the main task explained before him. Some of the activities he already predicted were going to be included in the session, though this didn't deter his eager mood from wanting to make the most out of the lesson.

Since there were two students, he decided to make the training fair by allowing the other female to examine and asses half of Voltage's wounds, whilst he would concentrate on the other half. Stepping carefully around his brother to receive a full view of the patient, there were four injuries his observant gaze was able to pry away from the full body, though he ensured that he only named two of them. "Well, he appears to have lacerations to the left of his neck," he slowly began to identify, leaning slightly towards his brother's neck to inspect the old wound. "If it was fresh, I would prescribe lamb's ear for the wound itself, and perhaps poppy or dandelion for the pain; cleaning it if necessary. If it has been left untreated, I would check for any signs of infection, clean and certainly keep an eye on it until it fully heals." He lumbered over to his brother's right side, where he found a similar wound, gently prodding his ribcage with a forepaw. "I'd do the same with these lacerations as well, however, these ones are in a sensitive area so I'd ask the patient to avoiding putting pressure on their right underside." With that, he looked back up to face the golden-hued woman, seeking feedback on his analysis. Did he hold a sufficient amount of knowledge or was there more to improve on?  

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

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