
Gathering All The Pretties!

Finch I


4 Years

08-14-2015, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2016, 11:12 AM by Evelyn.)
*Home Turf -- Serpent Plains

The girl had not opened up at all during their trip, but had grown even more clung onto her mother and less and less willing to leave the den. It was far too long for the shy girl to be away from Abaven, her Dad had hoped that it was going to bring her out of her shell more, but nope. She just clung to it even more desperately, hardly wandering away from the den at all. Today was no excuse, she was walking around the den in wider and wider circles, eyes out for pretty things that she could collect and gather. so far she had found a rather nice looking purple flower, clutching it in her jaws very gently so not to ruin it. She would hate to bruise the wonderful petals! That would wreck its pretty factor, and then she would have to start the hunt all over again. But she wasn't done yet, when they had been gone all the flowers that Wren had put around their den had withered and rotted. Finch was dead set on putting back all the nice things that her mother had done for them when they were younger. Even though they were a year old now, it didn't mean that she couldn't spend the day looking for the flowers she needed.

After a few more circles, Finch had collected a pawful of brightly coloured flowers, and headed back to the den with a sway in her hips. She was excited to get them all set up like Wren used to. But oh... how had her mother gotten them woven together so nicely? Brows knitting together she flopped on her rump and eyed her collection. Pushing them around with her paw carefully she grasped one stem in her mouth and tried to wiggle it under another, but to no avail. Letting out a frustrated huff she tried again and again, determined to get this done right.
