
Gathering All The Pretties!

Finch I


4 Years

08-14-2015, 10:28 PM

She was so focused on her flowers and trying to make them perfect, that she didn't notice the other wolf come up to her at all. All of the sudden there was a voice and a thump as the girl sat beside her. Letting out a loud yelp, Finch jumped up with her back arched like a cat, scrambling back towards the mouth of the den. Her tail tucked between her legs as she went to run into the nest, before she paused and turned around slowly. Its not like the girl had tried to scare her, but Finch was just so... jumpy! Ears against her head, she slowly slunk back up to the girl, standing close to the ground on the opposite side of her flowers. That is when she noticed the scratches on the side of her face, and her mouth formed into an 'o' as she let out a soft breath of air. Oh no! What had happened to the poor girl? Carefully standing to her paws and walking to the other's side, she carefully poked her soft nose at one of the marks, whining softly as she placed a soft kiss there. Then the shy girl scrambled back to her spot, careful not to crush any of her flowers. Her eyes were full of sadness instead of fear now, although her tail was still pulled towards her belly. "O-ouchy," she stuttered, paws shuffling in the grass slightly. Her voice was hoarse from under use, the girl obviously didn't talk much. "N-no g-g-good... o-ouch no g-g-good." With a firm shake of her head, she let out another soft whine. She hated fighting, hated violence. It was obvious that she disproved of the scars on the girls face, but there was no blame in her eyes. "N-no one g-get o-ouchy."
