
Gathering All The Pretties!

Finch I


4 Years

08-14-2015, 11:23 PM

The other girl seemed very confused at her speech, and Finch let out a little huff. She knew that she spoke in broken English. It wasn't like she didn't know HOW to speak, she just didn't to it all the time... It was awkward and almost hurt her throat because she wasn't used to it at all. Shuffling on her paws and trying to think about a better way to explain it all, she was surprised to feel a soft lick at the top of her head, pale eyes blinking at the stranger. She wasn't used to being touched by others, so the kindness rather shocked her. The darker lady apologized, and then told her that it was okay. Finch smiled softly, a snort sounding as her head shook. "S'okay!" she yipped, not wanting the other to be sad too. She was just upset because she didn't like to see others in pain, to see what violence really did to others. "I... d-don't l-like o-o-ouchies. N-no g-good," She said, mulling over her words as she tried again. "F-fighting is n-no g-good." Finch added, nodding her head slowly up and down. She hated fighting, with all of her heart. Her Dad had come home with bad injuries, and ever since then the whole idea of violence had scared her. The girl shivered, then looked down at her pretty flowers. Nosing them into a small pile so that none got crushed, she wiggled herself a little closer to the other girl. Hey eyes cast over to the cuts on the side of her face, eyes pulling back slightly. "D-don't d-deserve." Finch said with a deep set frown. No matter what the other had done, there was no reason to go and hurt someone like that! Not ever! Even if someone hurt her brothers or sister, she would still be too afraid to fight them. That is why she had asked Lark to teach her how to at least defend herself, because she knew that there were bad wolves out there who hurt others. Like whoever had hurt this one!
