
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]



4 Years
08-15-2015, 12:11 AM

Like any other time her throat would tighten when she saw Cypress. Her space was beginning to get overcrowded when Amachi and Avalon including Sin came to join the space. When she spotted enigma, a slight growl escaped her throat at his eyeing of cypress. She knew how these wolves minds worked and she would not have her husband patronized. If Enigma could not keep in line she would snap at him in a second. Whether it was Sin's son or not, she would then glare at Sin to contain his son for at least the time being. "Go to our den Cypress I'll catch you up on the meeting then, you know the basic herbs to keep you busy. Try not to wake the children." she would keep her voice low before clearing her throat a bit to look at Sin and the others. Something needed to be made very clear to everyone here Sin and his brood included.

She waited for Amachi and the others to step away from her before she would start talking. "I see many of these new wolves is coming a surprise to you all." she would begin raising an eyebrow. "Quiet frankly.... I'm pissed. All of you are doing nothing but sitting on your butts waiting for me to give orders. This pack was meant for everyone to be involved, make your own choices. Well I'm tightening the reigns to actually give you something to do then. If you're angry take your anger and put it to use in some spars." her tail twitched at the end. "Most of us are soft.... call it an insult but it's true. No one can be completely kind or completely bad here. But as of now we have a threat hanging over our shoulders and it's clear that I cannot do it alone." Her eyes centered over Avalon for a quick moment. "Yfir is a major threat to our pack, they are in close proximity and we are a huge target because of that. They will not hesitate to take what is ours. I say to stay far away from their borders as you can, unless you plan on taking a raiding party with me but you'll have to get my approval first." her fur would ruffle up for a moment before settling down again.

"At this point and time, I need you to speak up on what you want your ranks to be. No one can stay citizens forever, pull your weight or get out now. If you don't leave after this meeting you will not be able to without proving to me first you can survive out on your own. I am not keeping you prisoner but the north is a dangerous place. This pack cannot feel bad if you abandon your loyalties and then get yourself injured." Her head would shake back and forth. "This brings me... to Sin." her head turned towards Sin. "Yes he might look a bit intimidating but he dearly reminds me of my uncle Syrinx. I want all of you to respect him and rely on him for he is our new cabinet leader and beta. He may have a harsher way of doing things but understand they are for your protection." She looked over them. "We cannot seem weak to the other packs, not carefree and living our life. We have to fight for what we want, and for those few who cannot defend themselves we have to be strong enough to protect them. Do not fight amongst yourself, it brings a rift and then we really will be destroyed." she looked at Sin. "If you'd like to say anything Sin you can. But know I'm in charge, and if I find anyone disrespecting me I will ask you to fix it." she said it in such a low voice hopefully only for him to hear. And she was talking about any of his children and wives.

ooc: Second round due after Sin posts anything once he posts everyone is required to post within a week.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.