
Tally it up



1 Year
08-15-2015, 03:45 AM
Vitality was bored, which was never a good thing for her to be. She did not like being bored, she did not like having nothing to do Having nothing to do meant you were forced to think, and she didn't much like where her thoughts went sometimes when there were no distractions. So she laid on her back, paws folded against her chest and stared up, up at the canopy of leaves above her head. A sigh slipped from her young lips as she watched a leaf break from the trees above and slowly float to the ground, imagining the delicate fingers of the wind helping it fall to the earth. Golden eyes were almost dazed as she watched, mouth partially open before it settled beside her head. She slowly rolled her skull to gaze at it, staring at nothing. Goodness, was she bored and her mind always wandered when she was bored.

Vitality was a year old now. That meant she had things she ought to do, right? She hummed lightly as she stretched her paws high in the sky, as if she could reach far enough to touch the leaves in the distance. Wraith probably knew what he wanted to do, right? The greatest honour a Diamachi could receive is having their name remembered forever, so what would she be remembered for? The dreamy eyed little sister of the great and powerful Wraith. Her eyes traced patterns in the ceiling of the sky, patterns that only she could see as she imagined her brother, grown and strong, giving the Clan everything they could ever hope for. What would she be doing then? Searching for bunnies in the clouds? With a sigh she slowly rolled onto her side, earth fur full of leaves as she stared at the distance, at the darkness that surrounded her. What did she want to do anyways. She didn't know.

One thing she knew for certain: it was no fun being bored.

"Burn Baby Burn"