
Is All As It Seems?


08-15-2015, 07:32 AM
#4; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

He was not the only one that was struck with memories. She, too, felt her heart swell as those days came back to her, when she rarely ever left his side. Having pups had basically drawn a line through them, and they became more and more isolated from each other as the days went on. But now...she was sitting beneath the stars with him.

Wren smiled weakly, turning her head slightly so she could look into his bright flame-colored eyes. She had always adored them so much...along with everything else that adorned him. But his looks were only one of the reasons she loved him so much. It was how loving, caring, strong, and courageous he was. And she could never see anyone better for her. Her children had a loving father, this pack had a wonderful Azat...she had an amazing husband. The small woman continued to lean herself into him, staring into the distance as he explained why he was so irritated. But she listened so closely that every word sunk into her skull and was repeated over and over again. She wasn't one for politics, but she knew how much Bass cared about his pack. And right now, even she knew that it was beginning to fall apart.

He apologized at the end, which was completely unneeded. She understood completely. "Ho capito, il mio amore." She hummed, burying her nose into his neck. Italian...she was so grateful for it. It connected them both, as husband and wife. She could still remember the night they sang together in was long ago, several years...but she could remember it like she remembered her children's names. Wren got distracted when he bumped her with his shoulder, and she glanced up at him, giggling quietly. "E 'stato un po' da quando abbiamo appena seduti sotto le stelle, tu e io mi manchi il nostro tempo insieme da soli, mio carissimo Wren. Ma niente di tutto ciò è bella come mia moglie prezioso." The girl instantly felt her heart swell. She moved in closer to her husband, so that no space was left in between, and she placed kisses along his jaw.

"È passato troppo tempo..." She whispered, thinking back onto the time she had given birth. He had lied back and supported her through the pain, but she never knew that whole time that having children would mean separation from her dearest. Not that she didn't love her children...ah, that was definitely not the case. They meant everything to her. But she hasn't been able to spend time with Bass at all. The woman slowly pressed her face into him, her ears falling back against her head lazily. "Voglio passare più tempo con voi. Ti amo troppo per essere lontano da te per così tanto tempo. So che è una richiesta egoistica ma..."

She fought for the right words to finish with. She felt so selfish right now, and yet so needy for his love. What would she do? He was busy with training and other political stuff...she shouldn't be requesting something so time-consuming. Wren huffed and pulled away, gazing up into his golden eyes. "Mi mancano quei giorni. Eravamo giovani, e Abaven era proprio così nuovo... ma, pur essendo i bambini più grandi e hanno, mi piacerebbe essere con voi di più." Wren's smile vanished, and instead, a worried look played onto her face. She knew he needed it, the release of stress. Running a pack was definitely nothing easy. But she wanted to be there with him. To help him, to help the pack, but to also be there beside he knew he wasn't alone.

