
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-15-2015, 09:17 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2015, 09:18 AM by Paradox.)
(apologies, thought first round was ending the 16th. and squirrel is left in a den somewhere, he doesn't really have any reason to show. xD)

She had been keeping a distance since the family was brought together, continuing with her own activities as she was not too thrilled learning that she would have more siblings on the way. So Paradox would observe new behavior within them, and during one of these times she noticed her father, mother and Enigma heading off. With curiosity biting at her tail the girl set out, keeping to available cover between open spaces, one of the times she was using her plain coat to blend in with her surroundings. To her surprise the group were climbing onto a strange structure, the presence of a pack strong and almost nauseating. "What is he up to?" She wondered quietly, slipping over the border to follow a couple yards behind.

Eyes of deep blue narrowed, body pausing momentarily then continuing forward when she realized this was some sort of pack gathering. She'd sweep over the wolves, quickly spotting her father sitting near a woman who began to speak, their leader Paradox guessed. But why? Legs folded, the girl taking a seat near the back of the group with a clear space between her and them, deciding she would listen to see what was going on. She just hoped he didn't knock this one up as well, one litter was enough.

The girl started with complaining how the pack was doing nothing, to which she smirk at with a small shake of her head. Though she didn't belong here or even met any of these wolves, just looking at them made her think that's all they did, sit on their butts. A nearby pack called Yfir was a threat and were to be avoided unless there was a raiding group looking to invade. Paradox couldn't help but roll her eyes and look off to the side, here the girl was calling them soft and lazy and now she was mentioning raiding this pack? Even she saw that was a ridiculous idea and she wasn't even part of this group. Then her father was mentioned, the girl's eyes focusing on him, questioning from a distance.

Had she been drinking, the female would have sprayed it back out when her father was named beta. What the hell has he been up to? She'd remain silent however, shifting in her spot to hear what he had to say, which she was sure he did. Apparently he was their teacher? Would show them how to step up and become tough or some crap like that, whatever.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!