
Is All As It Seems?



7 Years

08-15-2015, 09:42 AM

As he rambled on about rather nonsensical things to his wife, he couldn't help but say sorry. He knew that it wasn't what she was here to listen to, but it was just so easy to talk to her like this. It always had been, a lot of the time the words just fell right out of his mouth. He figured that that is why they had been so awkward when they were younger, it took them ages to finally tell each other that they loved each other. And now? Now a day did not go by without him hearing those special words. Just because they said it more often now did not mean that it had lost any meaning, it held oh so much more. Wren really was the love of his life, mother of his children, and his dearest friend. He would truly be lost without her. The woman beside him said that she understood, and Bass chuckled softly. Of course she did, she always had. In fact there wasn't anyone out there who really did understand him more than his wife. "Lei ha sempre capito." He said softly, a smile on his maw as he tipped down to lick the top of her head. He would be nothing without his wife and kids, they meant more to him than anything else in the world.

When Bass spoke of the stars and being alone togther, Wren agreed with him. Lately it seemed that they had to give up their sleep if they wanted to spend any quiet time together, it was the only time that the kids were asleep and the pack generally did not call for him. These few stolen hours was all they had together, and it had made him feel torn apart from his wife. He longed for the days when they hung out from the time that the sun rose to when it set. They were inseparable, nothing could wedge the two apart. But to have to borrow time from their rest just to sit here like this... It was silly. Bass knew it, so when Wren started talking and hesitated he looked at her, frowning as concern filled his eyes. He did not try to speak until his wife was able to sort out her thoughts, his jawline still burning from the tender kisses that she had placed there. When the woman huffed in frustration when she could not quite find the right words, he dipped down and nibbled at her cheek, patiently waiting. But as always, it would seem that there thoughts were not far apart. She looked so worried, so vulnerable that she would offend him with her words. "Oh mio caro Wren ..." he started, the corners of his lips pulling down even further. He wanted to erase that look on her face, to take it all away and see that carefree smile of her's once again. "Non è essere egoisti affatto il mio piccolo fiore. Hai il permesso di voler trascorrere del tempo con me. Suppongo ... che è stata colpa mia e per non vederlo. Non rendendosi conto a che punto questo sia effetti di noi." He said softly, jaw working as he too thought. There had to be something that he could do to fix this...

Wait, Bass was the damned alpha. That was the reason that he had Allen to help him out, bless his soul, so that he was able to spend more time with his family. But had he? The entire trip they had been surrounded by his family, and at night they had collapsed, exhausted from the events of the day. Trying to handle Finch being shy and Sparrow attacking every relatives she met, as well as bringing them the gift of bugs. They had been more than a pawful, but their grandparents had helped. And now that he was back and saw that thing in Abaven weren't as he wanted them to be, he knew that he was going to be busy trying to set things straight. But that look on his wife's face... he could not leave her alone again. He could not see her only when they both crawled into the den for the night. They had been like two separate entities, just floating past each other without really touching. Perhaps it had been Bass who was being selfish, devoting his time more to his pack than to his family. Both were so close in his heart that perhaps he had tried to mix the two, which had clearly failed. "Cosa ne pensi di questo. Un giorno alla settimana mi metterò da parte per solo due di noi, tutta la giornata insieme. Dopo tutto, è per questo che Allen ha offerto i suoi servizi a noi. E un altro giorno a settimana io mettere da parte per la nostra famiglia, dove possiamo tornare ai nostri piccoli viaggi e avventure insieme. Lezioni. Canto. L'intera cosa." Pausing, he searched Wren's face to see how she felt about that. "So che un giorno alla settimana non è sufficiente ... ma è un inizio. Meglio di queste ore rubate sotto le stelle. So quanto stanco tu sei il mio amore, e non volevo svegliarti. Anche se io non rimpiango questa notte." Bass whispered, leaning down to plant a loving kiss on the top of her skull.

"Burn Baby Burn"