
Missing My Shadow (open)


04-09-2013, 06:54 AM
The falls were indeed a delight to come to and relax, but sadly Segolia was not here to relax. Under the waters of the falls grows a weed that is useful with her studies. Her ears twitched as the light drops of water hit her pelt, she enjoys the fall. Her eyes stopped upon the falls, it was soothing, a perfect place to come to get rid of stress. There is nothing more relaxing than that of the sound of a waterfall, well that applies to her as for others she did not know. Segolia stepped into the water, it felt great upon her pelt. The tails of water being soothing was true, and she was glad it was. Her puprple eyes landed upon the under water flower she was looking for. Thease flowers only grew ever three weeks, and in a week they would wither away. Turning her head she opened her bag, lowering her head in the water she plucked up the flower.

As she rose up from under the water the sight of two other wolves caught her eyes. One was a brute, large at that , the other a fea. She put the flower in her bag, closing it she stepped out of the water. Segolia lifted her bag up and over her head, placing it gently on the ground Segolia looked up at the sky. It was a great day and she was going to take advantage of such a day. She walked back in to the water, the cool liquid heaven consumed her body. The cool feeling seemed to be relaxing every part of her, she loved it. Sitting upon her haunches Segolia noticed that the brute was looking for something, the words 'I am searching for a companion of mine... a mink' Her head turned in the direction of the two who had begun to talk.