
Hey, Yeah! Hey, Yeah! Been A Long Time Coming!



7 Years
08-15-2015, 12:37 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Being able to breathe again was glorious. Unfortunately, Tornach was sick, now. He was with Falk and Zuriel, and Surreal was taking a much needed run around the plains. Since she had broken free of the cold, she was full of energy. And it was late spring, too. Soon enough, Summer would roll in, and she knew what would come with it. Were they ready for another litter? Perhaps the pack she had planned so carefully for would have already been up and running had she not had more children. She didn’t regret her babies. Not one bit. But she was ready to get this show on the deerpath.

Korr had vanished, and she supposed that she had expected it. He had been a loner, one to whom the traveling life would always call, and he had been older. Perhaps he was settled down somewhere with a lovely lady and a few children now. She was getting used to those who vanished. Sometimes, it was inevitable. She had many missing members of her family. Chrysanthe, Lyric, Gabriel, Arella, Castiel… Just to name a few.

She pushed into a run, nose to the wind, testing the smells on the breeze. It was time to make that last push, and make the pack a real thing. That meant traveling from pack to pack, and sending Battlesong out to scout the others and gauge their temperaments. She already knew the rank names, and had the rules set in her head. She wouldn’t be swaying from them, either. Regulus would be her heir, and she had been training him from the start for that position. He was coming along beautifully, as well. He was honest, and intelligent. He already knew the Plains like the back of his paw, and was thriving on them. There was the matter of a secondary alpha. Falk wasn’t in a condition to lead. She knew he would accept that he wouldn’t be the secondary alpha, but that he also might be sore about that as well. She’d certainly run it past him.

He would hold the title and high rank of Consort. Her tail flicked in satisfaction.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think