
Home At Last

Motif I


4 Years
08-15-2015, 03:15 PM

She was drawing her brother and daughter into a hug and all three of them could laugh and rejoice and bass was kissing their heads, Vail's laughter was sweeter then any honey and she reveled in the moment for as long as she could. All too soon, she had to bring their happiness down to earth and bring up important matter. Bass was more then her beloved brother, he was pack Alpha, and she had to catch him up with the going on's of Abaven. In perfect timing, Shai came and took away their daughter, Motif kissed his forehead and smiled at her little one before she was whisked away.

The two faced each other, more seriously now then before, but she smiled and leaned forward, placing a kiss on her brothers forehead much as he had to Vail just a moment before. “I'll let you be the judge” she replied, which probably did little to ease his worries. “For starters, I've taken on the daughter of Mira, she was a friend to me and I owed her that much. I gained permission first from Allen, since you weren't around for me to ask. That was fine, for a while, but she almost started a diplomatic incident between Imperium” she sighed, to her at least it was of vital importance that Abaven and Imperium remained friends. What would happen if that changed? She would lose more then just Rhythm, she would lose Shaye as well. “I'm not entirely sure what happened but it appeared she provoked one of Valentines children, and Lillie got the worst end of the stick, she will have scars for life. I split the two up and took Lillie home, but you may need to smooth things over with Valentine” she said with a weary sigh. “Other then that, things have been quite here, too quite perhaps, but its given me a chance to truly appreciate my family, to teach Vail how to live without sight” her eyes had been on the grass at her feet, but she looked up at Bass then, wondering if he had caught on to this in Vail, and if he would judge her for birthing a child not perfect – some packs did not allow such children to live, but she knew Bass would never be that kind of wolf. Still, would he resent a wolf in his pack who could not see? She cringed at the thought, of this, and if Bass might have thought she could have handled the Imperium situation any better.


Art by Raqinq