
A single act or many



6 Years
Extra large
08-15-2015, 03:28 PM

Glacier hid his grin at Anais's determination. He could see it in the stroke of her swimming, the way she pulled away when the tide pushed her into him – it was clear she was determined to make it on her own strength. Glacier could respect that, and would keep his aid subtle unless something happened that required more drastic action. For example, the tide sweeping her away, or her head vanishing beneath the waves. So long as she kept on a steady course beside him, he was content. The undercurrents didn't get any stronger, and well he could see how doing this for long periods would be disastrously painful, their short swim would easily be manageable.

Anais would answer him, her voice easily rising against the softly sweeping winds and he beamed at her. “Not far now Anais, we are over half way, and we should feel the sand beneath out feet before we reach the shore” he said, there was a nice level of flat sand around the island, perfect for easy swimming, or playing. The giant continued to put one paw before the other, tugging his giant way through the ocean. His rhythm would be broken however when he gasped and pulled back, his face a mask of surprise before laughter changed it. “A fish touched my paw.. look Anais” he said, nodding his head towards the water, as he started to swim again, there where some swam a little closer to the edge and you could see their scaly bodies, he laughed softly. “Looks like we have some swimming companions” he pointed out, looking back to the island to see they where almost there, just another minute of swimming would see them to a shallower end where their feet could touch sand once more.


Art by Arin