
Braggarts and Thieves



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-15-2015, 05:00 PM
OOC: This thread is the very first Diamáchi Event! -CHEERS- Yayyy! So, this is how it's gonna work...

This will be a story telling competition. The Diamáchi are very focused on making a name for themselves of course, but also in general oral history. Members who chose to attend will each have the chance in their post to tell a story. Feel free to talk about something that actually happened to your character, lie and create a fantastic exaggeration of sorts (at the risk of being called out and teased by your peers of course), or even tell separate tale all together, unrelated to your character in any sense. In the case of the final option, with the exception of Native American myths which typically title their characters 'Bear' or 'Eagle' or some such, it would probably be best to change the names. No copy-paste! You must tell the story in your own words.

Once everyone has told their tale, they will each be judged like a game of apples to apples. Please choose your favorite story and PM Mithras with your vote! I will not be voting, to keep things fair! The story with the most votes will earn themselves a table of that character done by yours truly! (Or another willing artist of your choice!)

There is no minimum word count. Go crazy! This is mostly a thread to bring the players of the Diamáchi together! Please note that all characters should be at least familiar with everyone else, having met before and conversed from time to time. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your fellow players what they would prefer!

Mithras was just about sick and tired of trying to track down each member of the Diamáchi separately. Curse and bless them for being wanderers, because they were damn hard to find. He stoop atop the rocky outcrop and look to the horizon, scanning it for any sign of motion. Behind him a setting sun was painting the sky in vivid citrine hues, rubys, pale pinks and lavenders. Puffball clouds floated lazily in a warm spring breeze, and if we wasn't so frustrated it might have be a glorious evening! Finally, the celestial giant tipped his head back and let out a summoning howl. He knew not everyone would heed him, because after all, why should they? He wasn't necessarily a new guy but he certainly didn't have any pull with them. Beyond that, some of them were probably just too friggen' far away! He sighed and frowned, praying that someone would come out of the woodwork.

He had an idea. It was probably crazy, a bit farfetched, but it was better than something. He looked down between his paws at the strange tooth that sat there. It looked and smelled like a rock but it was clearly some sort of... tooth, probably, or a claw. Except it was so much bigger than anything he'd ever seen before and he prayed again to anyone who might be listening that whatever lost it didn't come looking for it again. He'd found it in a pile of scree at the base of the ridge. It had fascinated him, why wouldn't it intrigue someone else? At any rate, he hoped it would entice his friends to play a little game, because he was way too bored to keep on aimlessly wandering.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!