
i'll go so high my f e e t won't touch the ground


04-09-2013, 09:24 AM

The female jumped a little when the black wolf addressed her. He could tell she was looking? Well it was indeed a good thing that Sheylie had not stared for too long. For all of his assurances, she did not wish to be rude. She flicked her tail slightly, flexing her claws a little in the dirt.

A wanderer? Well, yes, she was. But what brought her out here? That, Sheylie wasn't entirely sure that even she knew. "I guess I just wanted to wander a little," The female shrugged a little, "It's a nice change of pace." Sheylie wagged her tail a little as she glanced around. The windy plains were a bit of a change of pace, and that was what she needed.

Hide and seek? Grinning a little, Sheylie waited for a little bit, counting in her head to allow Roman time to get away and hide himself. This was a game that she had not played since she was a pup. It brought back memories of the careless times when she was young; when her biggest worries were whether or not she would be able to track her brother down. Of course, one upside to being grown up was that she could simply place her muzzle to the ground and pad along, each step dainty and as quiet as she could make it.

The female moved quietly through the grasses as she sought out Roman. It didn't seem like there would be many places to hide out here, so after a few moments, she opened her maw, "Found you!" Sheylie sang out brightly, then stopped, head tilted, ears swivelling wildly to see if there would be any reaction from the other wolf. Would he show any signs of his presence? Because Sheylie was utilizing one of her old tricks, one of the tricks that she had learned from playing with her brother; pretend that you'd found a wolf before you had and they would give some sort of reaction.
