
Sass in Moderation


08-15-2015, 07:56 PM

Of course he was off with their little mouse, where else would he be if not as his sisters side? They very much enjoyed sending her out on nearly impossible tasks, and today he was overseeing her trying to take down a deer on her own. But of course he grew bored rather quickly, and headed back towards the Willows that they made their home in. Dappled light spotted his already splotched coat, and he quickly picked up the scent of a stranger within their home. Letting out a low growl, he stalked towards the dame who was dumb enough to venture this far into their land. Along the way he noticed that Roselin was already on the hunt, and the male chuckled. Of course she had already made her way towards the other, so Ambrose made his way around the other side of the girl, flanking her with his sister. Knowing that she would be in waiting somewhere, he did not bother to try and hide himself. Large bodice cut through the willows, tendrils tickling at his spine. It wasn't long before he spotted the speckled dame, and he paused, ears quivering. He had to admit, out of all the lesser beasts that they had run into, he had to admit that she was on the higher spectrum of looks. He couldn't help it though, he had a tad of a weakness to spots. He chuckled softly to himself, wondering if his sister was thinking the same thing. She did like the pretty ones. Moving once more, Ambrose aimed to come at the girl from her right flank, well within her view. He towered over her, but she was larger than their little mouse. Head tilted slightly, blue and green gaze narrowed towards her. "And what do you think you're doing?" He asked in a rumble, ears flickering to Ros. He knew that she could see him, he felt it. She was never far off, and he knew that she was not going to miss out on the fun. Although, his twin would probably be disappointed that he didn't stand back and wait for her to attack the girl. Ambrose couldn't help but smirk slightly, breaking his usual deep set frown.

"Talk" "You" Think