
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-16-2015, 12:41 AM

One by one he watched others file in after him, his tail wrapped around Arietta as best he could manage, shoulder brushing hers as he gazed calmly at those who followed suit. His son had followed, and he wondered if his siblings would follow suit or perhaps not at all. No matter, he would fetch them later if they so chose not to come to this meeting. He knew curiosity was a strong ankle biter, so there was always the chance they'd seen him head this way. The last to gather were a strange bunch, a very huge wolf say herself down, and it wasn't just her size that caught his attention but her markings as well. He'd never seen such a creature, and as he watched from the corner of his eye, he saw her watching him and he could feel Arietta bristling beside him. He pressed against her, nobody would take her place despite his polygamy. She would always be first, body, mind and heart. Only Arietta had ever brought out an array of feelings within him, some of which he couldn't even begin to describe. He smiled a little, a glint of mischief in his eyes as Xephyris responded to him. He could tell the other was surprised, their first encounter was rather interesting, and he would be working closely with that one to help bring out his potential. He had acquired a liking for the man, surely they would be good allies soon enough. "Likewise, funny how fate has a way of bringing things about eh?" He chuckled, quieting down some as Arian began to speak.

As she spoke, he didn't really care much what she had to say in the beginning. Amber gaze scanned the crowd, a very familiar, very distinct scent would reach him, and soon his eyes would find his daughter at the back of the crowd. Ah, curiosity did seem to run in the family. It was probably as much of a curse as it was a strength to have, and he would watch for her reactions as the meeting went on. Arian's tone and obvious reference about his son from earlier would go unnoticed, or rather, he didn't quite care. Yes, he could control them. But his kids did what they wanted, and if they weren't directly harming someone within the pack unnecessarily he didn't care what they did. He simply flicked an ear at Arian out of whatever bit of respect he had to acknowledge he'd heard her. His expressions would, for the most part remain unchanged as she basically yelled at her pack. However, his interest would be piqued when she mentioned raiding. And he was one hundred percent up for such an act. Perhaps he would discuss it today with them, they couldn't wait around like sitting ducks, after all. He eyed them, wondering who might want to leave and who would remain. He noted a couple that might be promising, the others he wasn't too sure of quite yet. Finally, she would introduce him to the small crowd. The male sat tall and straight, his gaze as sharp and cold as ever. If they didn't like him, he'd give them the luxury to fight him to determine their place later on. Though he wouldn't say which place they would receive should they choose to duel him and lose. He blinked slowly as Arian said her last bit, a wry smile sitting itself clear on his face as he turned to her. "They know better. Though they have minds of their own, don't take what they say to heart. They're teenagers after all, an awkward stage we all once went through." He hoped she wouldn't take what his kids said seriously, they said what they wanted but they also knew when to hold their tongues. Then again, respect was another matter. They gave it to those who they saw deserved it, and in turn they too expected respect. Equivalent exchange, was their law.

He remained seated, though his demeanor changing. He wasn't going to play nice or say sweet words to appeal to the weak minded natures of such soft looking creatures. He scanned the crowd once more, a cold sweeping gaze as he looked at each one in turn. "Alright, listen up. Things will be changing around here! Those of you who don't start carrying out your duties and pulling your weight like a real pack, will be answering to me for punishment. What type of punishment I give will be based off your performance, or...lack thereof. It can be anything, and you better be lucky that it's something not so a maim...I'd hate for someone to lose an eye..." A toothy smile reached his inked lips, fur bristling out to make himself appear larger as canines glinted in the light. "I'm not of the softer kind, so you can like me or hate me, I don't care. Do what you're told, all able bodied wolves better attend whatever training you are called for, and there are no excuses for not attending unless your limbs are torn from your body, or you're dead. Those who refuse to make any effort, won't find themselves in a very good position for long. So I'd start shaping up. This applies to all of you, if what your Alphess says is true, then I'm right to assume that none of you yellow bellied cowards do a damn thing around here! If you want to sit around fat and happy, then it will be your demise. I don't care who it is, if we do happen to be under attack by someone else, don't expect someone to come running to your rescue because you were too lazy to train and defend yourself! Let this serve as a warning here and now. I will not be playing Mr. Nice Guy, so you best take my words into consideration." His last words went out with a rather loud growl, hardened gaze scanning the crowd once more. Sure, his methods were harsher and whether or not Arian agreed with his words, well, she could take it up with him after the meeting. He did, however, want to discuss a possible raid. Something he would wait to talk about with Arian after this, unless someone was actually bold enough to want to talk about it now. But as it was, they desperately needed some training before anything...else, they wouldn't last long. "One last thing. I advise against pissing off my family...though they know better then to go around attacking everyone, let this be a warning. Provoke them, you give them grounds to a fight. Don't step on their toes. With that said, I welcome my mate, Arietta. My son Enigma, and my daughter Paradox. Another may soon be joining, though I warn you...Forsaken has quite the temper as well." He chuckled a bit, then waited to see if anyone had anything to say against him. Like him or hate him, he didn't give a fuck.

talk, think