
You make the night, I always cross the line


08-16-2015, 08:04 AM

The woman would continue to wander the great expanse of the north, her bi-colored eyes searching, though for what she was not yet sure. Her mind had, for a short while, turned to her siblings. Her litterates, her brothers, whom were not with her. She was certain that they were fine, that much was not an issue. But she had to wonder how they were feeling. How they were doing in this harsh world. Were they still with their parents, Forbidden Destruction and Deviant? Or had they gone their own way in the end?

A soft scoff would leave her lips, coming to a stop. 'Look at yourself, Bernadette. Sitting here like a lost fool searching for god knows what in this god forsaken land.' She would then smile, almost a sense of calm washing over her body. Now now, she would think to herself. There was no need to get all worked up. Perhaps all that she needed was a distraction on this fine evening, so that she might be able to forget about her family for a while. It wasn't so much that she didn't love them, no. But it was the fact that she didn't want to spend time crying over them. She had left home first after all.

So Bernadette would set her sights on something else. She would slowly pad forward, tail swishing back and forth. Nose would lower to the ground, scenting for something to track. She wasn't particularly hungry, but hey, she could always save a snack for later, right?