
Wish upon a star



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-16-2015, 09:21 AM

Mithras couldn't help but smile at the girl's jovial nature, and his mood slowly took a turn for the better. She claimed that not many people set foot in the southern continent, something he'd noticed and appreciated during his time there, but it certainly didn't make his job any easier. She surprised him with an offer to come along; he'd only meant to ask her for a moment of her time, he didn't want to be a bother, but if she wanted to... He grinned broadly. "A pleasure to meet you, Shaye," he would say with a broad sweeping bow that could only be meant for humor. After all, if they spent any amount of time together the girl would likely realize he was hardly a brute for formalities or pesky manners. "And I'm Mithras Aeris!" He stood up straight and scanned the ocean's horizon line, watching the waves. He knew sometimes you could see dolphins playing in the surf, or whales breaching farther out.

Before he got too distracted her turned back to Shaye, almost able to look her dead on without looking down, a pleasant change of pace. "Now that we're properly acquainted," he began, "Where to next? As far as I know, they could be anywhere." She sounded like she knew the land well enough, or at least could speak on how populated it was. Perhaps it would be better to follow her lead for a while. He felt a scuttling on his foot and looked down to see a hermit crab trying to climb up and over her oversized paw, which he jerked away with a muttered curse. He'd been pinched by the devils before and no thank you, not again! "Do you live around here?" He asked, trying to get back one last time. "Any idea where we should start?" He shot her yet another smile, eager not only to get going but to get to know someone new. And she seemed friendly to boot, which was always a bonus!

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!