
Do you feel more like a man?


04-09-2013, 10:43 AM

Boy, it sure had been a while since he'd been back here. Of course, it was much different than the place he had been born. When Fenrir had traveled here as a yearling he'd discovered the land, but hadn't actually spent time scouting out the land. If Cairo was still leading, then he had to commend the man. He sure did have a knack for picking out territories. This place was far more remarkable than the last territory they'd lived in, and even then it'd been beautiful there.

His dark pelt seemed to soak up the summer sun's rays and he felt a burning sensation on his pelt, but he ignored it. He had grown used to it and his pelt would soon be done shedding. He could suck it up and deal with it for a while longer.

He was an odd colored creature. He resembled his father in a lot of ways. His left eyes was crimson, a similar shade to Thor's and the same red stripe ran from the top of his forehead to tail tip. He even held the brute's incredible structure. He stood at a proud 38 inches and 156 pounds making him a mammoth compared to most of his species. His weight was evenly distributed as well. Legs, neck, chest, and rear haunches were imbued with thick muscle. He could certainly hold his own in a fight when it came to brute strength, but when it came to speed or agility? Well, he was screwed.

He did retain some of his mother's looks. Loki had pitch black fur in which he'd inherited. He'd also received a green eyes giving him hemochromatic eyes. One red and one green that contrasted quite nicely against his face. Some would even go far to say he'd retained some of her good looks.

Now the question was, did anyone remember him? Surely someone would? Then again he hadn't been widely known and he'd left early. Thor had hardly ever been around after a while and left his mother to her defenses. Then Loki herself had been almost clueless as a mother. Could he blame her? Not really. He could certainly blame his father though. If he ever saw the brute again he'd rip him a new one. Then he could go about forgiving him for never being around.

He had enjoyed his time with his old pack, but a terrible hurricane had wiped them out. Now it was time to move on and he had every intention of returning to Valhalla if they would accept him. It was familiar and it would suit him well.

The young man stopped a few feet from the border and threw back his head and let loose a strong howl summoning someone. Hopefully someone who recognized him would come, but a wolf of higher ranks would be acceptable too. For now he would sit back and wait patiently, ready to fight or flee if needed, but for now he rested on his haunches content to wait.
