



7 Years
08-16-2015, 01:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2015, 04:04 PM by Nako.)
The other male was in the den with her, Nako fighting back the urge to growl at such an action. He wouldn't though, not with Marina so close to giving birth, a situation already stressful enough. And just as Marina's brother would come so would his sister, Nako giving a nuzzle go Anais's cheek in affection and worry. He would be the pups father in fu, he would simply be their provider, neither wanting but not denying their company in his life should they one day seek him out. He barely shifted on his paws throughout the entire process. They were all females, all squirming and wiggling against Marina's belly to nurse themselves full. Marina bade him to come in and her brother got himself out of his way, Nako venturing down into the den.

The scent's of birth were thick in the air, the airy whimpers and cries of the babes as they fed and competed among themselves to find sustenance making him smile. They would have to be named, soon, but he would leave that all to Marina. "They're wonderful Mari, already feisty and full of life." He murmured, a nuzzle given against her cheek before he sniffed each of the pups. He hoped he would lean to care more about them and feel that they weren't just a project to maintain for a few months. There would be enjoyment and hate in this duty but Nako would do it and just be glad that a son wasn't in the mix for the cycle to continue. The grey wolf looked back at Anais and felt only shame in her witnessing of this. Far to unsure of the feelings that flowed through him, but he hid it well with a grin as he passed by his sister and sat beside her. "I'm sure they would've loved them Anye." Nako hushed into his sisters ear as he continued to watch out of the corner of his eye the trio of pups feed. He missed his parents.